Promotions and Discounts
Please note we offer products from time to time as a sale items. Often this is just an incentive for customers to buy, but where the discount is due to a short Valid Date, then the expiry date will be stated.
Promotional codes expire on the last day of every month. We may from time to time extend promotion codes for a further promotional period.
Our 'Compare at' prices shown on our store reflect that we have either sold it at this price previously or it is what we deem to be a valid market price at that time.
We reserve the right to remove promotional discounts and free shipping incentives for late payments, more than 7 days after delivery. Discounts and shipping will be added to the order and the invoice re-issued. A further late payment charge of £25 is also due for payments later than 30 days post delivery and £25 for every 10 days thereafter.
We are happy to answer ant question on these items at any time.